What I’ve Learned About Human Behavior From Children With Autism

Five things I’ve learned working as Behavioral Interventionist for Children with Autism have changed my mental and physical health for the better – and I want to share them with you. 1) Identify the triggers. Breakdowns happen to all of us. Sometimes far too often. Identifying the triggers of when and how these happen is a huge step in lessening the degree to which they happen. In my readings on Autism, this is a huge point that is constantly trying to be made. What causes the unwanted behavior? What times…

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Enjoying Valentine’s Day No Matter What

Today is Valentine’s day, and I’m finding there’s a great divide of couples vs. singles. It’s either spending $40 on roses that would otherwise cost ten, or it’s ‘Fuck Valentine’s Day!’ What about finding an in between? I remember being in elementary school, and going through my little box of Valentine’s to give out. Each one chosen specifically for each person, and of course, saving the best one for the boy I had a crush on. Whoever it was that week. I miss those days where there weren’t mass amounts…

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Riches, And The Things Money Can Never Buy

It’s easy to forget sometimes all the things we have, when all the things we ‘don’t’ have seem to take up all our mental energy and time. We catch ourselves subconsciously comparing our friend’s lives to ours, houses, material things, and forget about all the beautiful things life has given us. The moments, the families, the loving bonds that truly can’t compare to each other’s experiences because they are unique to each life. I’ve had a few conversations this week with friends who are financially stressed the fuck out. But…

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